
Butternut Squash Chips

For some recipes the straight stem-end section of butternut squash is used in order to take advantage of the even shape and not having to deal with scraping out seeds. But then…what do you do with the rounded blossom end? These crispy chips are a good solution. They make a delicious addition to a tapas table or kid’s healthy snacking repertoire. Easy to make, they store well in an airtight container at room temperature for several days.

Serves – 6 cups of chips

Prep Time – 30 Minutes

Cook Time – 30 Minutes


  • Blossom end of a butternut squash
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil or coconut oil
  • Sprinkling of Kosher salt
  • Pinch of powdered cayenne or chipotle pepper (optional)


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

Step 2

Cut the squash in half length-wise. Scrape out and discard the seeds, then peel the squash and discard peelings as well.

Step 3

Place the two halves of squash in a large steamer over rapidly boiling water. Cook, covered very briefly, about 5-7 minutes. They should be just beginning to soften. Remove immediately to cool. (This step is so the squash is easier to slice thin).

Step 4

When cool enough to handle, slice the squash into thin strips, no thicker than ¼ inch and thinner is better if possible.

Step 5

Brush the chips lightly with oil or melted coconut butter and arrange them on a shallow baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and powdered pepper if desired.

Step 6

Bake in the middle of the preheated oven until beginning to crisp evenly and until the chips have begun to lightly brown. This can take anywhere from 20-30 minutes, but begin checking after about 20 minutes. Part way through cooking turn the chips to cook evenly on both sides.

When chips are light brown and crisp, remove from the baking sheet and cool on a cookie rack until completely crisp and cool. They will crisp more as they cool if they are cooked properly.

Some chips always seem to take longer to cook than others, even when they seem to be about the same thickness. So, be patient and surveil them closely to allow to cook fully and to notice when to remove before burning. It’s like a meditation to develop discriminating awareness!

Store in an airtight container.