
Cherry Tomato Pasta

Simple is often the best approach, whether in science, yoga, or life. Years back I was fortunate enough to work closely with one of the most brilliant Italian chefs and cooking teachers in recent history, Giuliano Bugialli. His love for food and art underscored this principle in cooking; simple with attention to detail allows the natural character of each ingredient in a dish to shine forth without dominating. This pasta recipe was inspired by Giuliano and the principle of simplicity he taught. It is easy , elegant, nurturing, ready in a flash and, most importantly, ready in a flash!

Yields – 4 Servings

Prep Time – 15 Minutes

Cook Time – 20 Minutes


  • 2 ½ quarts cherry tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, minced
  • Salt and fresh black pepper to taste
  • 1 ½ teaspoons coconut sugar (optional)
  • 1/3 cup minced Italian parsley
  • 8-OZ spaghetti or angle hair pasta
  • (Gluten free options work well)


Step 1

Pick over the cherry tomatoes to discard any that are overly ripe. If they are not miniature tomatoes, slice them in halve and set aside.

Step 2

Bring a large spaghetti pot of water to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer while preparing the sauce.

Step 3

In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium flame until hot, but not smoking. Add the tomatoes and toss to coat with oil. Add the garlic and toss again. (This is a great recipe to hone the skill of tossing things with the flip of a wrist as tomatoes are juicy and small which make it easy).

Step 4

Reduce heat slightly and continue to cook, tossing frequently for 5-8 minutes, until the tomatoes are tender and juicy and the garlic flavor has merged into the dish. Taste and adjust the seasonings, adding optional sweetener (coconut sugar or other) and more salt and pepper if necessary. Just before serving mix in the parsley.

Step 5

Meanwhile, bring the pasta cooking liquid to a full boil. You may add salt to the water to bring out the flavor of the pasta, but if you are limiting sodium, this is not necessary. Stir in the spaghetti making sure it is separated evenly.

Step 6

Cook the pasta, stirring a few times as it boils, until it is just tender—al dente. Immediately drain and transfer the pasta into a large bowl.

Step 7

Immediately, gently mix in the warm tomato sauce until the pasta is evenly coated. Serve as is or dish onto individual serving plates.