
Gluten-free Pizzelle

Not too sweet with a hint of anise, this gluten-free version of the classic Italian Pizzelle cookie is a holiday classic. It can be prepared ahead for gift giving, used as a garnish for fruit or ice cream desserts, or served as a stand-alone compliment to a steaming cup of tea or coffee. If you don’t have Pizzelle maker, some waffle irons work (if the grooves are not too deep), but investing in a Pizzelle maker is worth it!

Yields – About 2 Dozen Cookies

Prep Time – 15 Minutes

Cook Time – 30 Minutes


  • 3 eggs
  • ⅔ cup maple sugar (or organic cane sugar)
  • ½ coconut oil, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 sorghum flour
  • ¾ – 1 cup oat flour
  • ¼ cup potato flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon anise seeds
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest (optional)


Step 1

Beat the eggs lightly then add the maple sugar and continue to beat until the mixture is thick and creamy and forms a “ribbon” when the beater is lifted out of the batter. Stir in the coconut oil and mix well.

Step 2

Sift the sorghum flour, oat flour, potato flour, baking powder and salt into a separate bowl. Stir in the anise seeds and lemon zest.

Step 3

Gradually mix the wet ingredients into the flour mixture using a stiff spatula. Stir well, until the batter is smooth and even in texture. The batter may be prepared to this point up to 3 days in advance if refrigerated in an airtight container.

Step 4

Heat an electric Pizzelle grill and brush with a thin coat of coconut oil. When the light for the grill goes off (or turns green) place a heaping tablespoon of the batter on each round of the grill. Seal the grill shut and allow the cookies to bake. When the steam stops escaping, immediately begin to monitor the cooking. The cookies should be only very lightly browned, and they burn quickly, so be careful as 5 seconds can be the difference between just right and burned.

Step 5

Once cooked, using a metal spatula, remove the cookies to a cake rack to cool. When completely cooled, store in an airtight container until ready to eat.